
Welcome to the Drop-In Tutoring Dashboard!

📌 Notes and Updates:
Stay informed about the latest news and updates right here on the dashboard.

We are not currently open for business as the website is under construction. Stay tuned for updates on when we will open!

👈 Navigation:
Use the menu on the left to navigate through the available Zoom sessions.

💳 Activate Your Day Pass:
To access Zoom sessions, make sure to activate a Day Pass. Simply click on the ‘Activate Day Pass’ button on the left. Once activated, you’ll have 24 hour access to all of our sessions.

Happy Learning! 🚀

Welcome to the Drop-In Tutoring Dashboard!

📌 Notes and Updates:
Stay informed about the latest news and updates right here on the dashboard.

We are currently set to begin business in the new year!

👈 Navigation:
Use the drop-down menu above to navigate through the available Zoom sessions.

💳 Activate Your Day Pass:
To access Zoom sessions, make sure to activate a Day Pass. Simply click on the ‘Activate Day Pass’ button on the left.

Happy Learning! 🚀